
April 5, 2010

The Upper Big Branch Miners Memorial is dedicated to twenty-nine miners who lost their lives in an explosion at the Upper Big Branch Coal Mine on April 5th, 2010, to the first responders and mine rescuers that put themselves in harm's way to come to the aid of their fellow man and to all individuals who have suffered injury, illness or death as a result of working in the coal industry.

"This striking memorial symbolizes strength. Strength of those brave men, the strength of their families and the unwavering strength of this community. This memorial stands as a reminder... a reminder of what we lost, the love we shared for our fallen brothers, as a reminder that life is often too short and as a reminder that we must always put safety first. This memorial stands for all of us- to help heal, to reflect and to never forget."

-Senator Joe Manchin, UBB Miners Memorial Dedication, July 27, 2012